Sunshine Coast Paddlesports Club

Committee Meeting Minutes  

Tuesday 10th December2024, Rivershore Resort, Bli Bli, 5:15pm

Attendees:  Paul Shipton, Delia West, Nicky Donaldson, Martin Parsons, Oliver Sweetman, Deb Wright & Justin Wright

Apologies:  Tim Kreis (on leave), Matt Ramke-Meyer via email

  1. Previous Minutes November 2024

The minutes of the meeting of November 2024 were tabled with-out corrections. Moved Oliver that the minutes were a true and accurate record. Seconded Delia, Motion passed.

  • Treasurer Report
    • Payments made since last meeting Lockers, Shed Deposit & Fence Payment
      Moved by Oliver that the report is a true and accurate record
      Seconded Nicki.
    • Oliver advised that the term deposit was due for renewal on 18 December but the next shed payment of approximately $23,000 was due now.  Oliver moved that the invoice amount be deducted from the invested funds and that the term be continued with the remaining (approximately) $62,000.  Seconded Martin, all in favour.
  • New Shed

Martin informed the meeting there is a “End of June 25” for expected completion date.

  • Locker Boxes

Many positive comments have been received from members on the difference the locker boxes have made to the interior space of the club house.  Delia proposed to: 1) organise and fix a small plaque thanking Peter; 2) have a sign made for the fence to thank Maroohcy Home Assist (MHA) for their donation of the marine ply.  Seconded Martin.

  • Grants Status

Delia reported:

  • We have received advice from the Australian Gvt Dept of Health & Ageing that our remodeling grant was successful.  No amounts yet just those funds should start in approximately February 2025.  The letter also advised that grants are counted as income and that recipients should investigate if GST registration is a requirement.  GST query sent to committee and Frank Redpath (club accountant).
  • Andy Ross provided advice that the craft for the Women and Girls grant were being loaded and once the ship departs we will have an ETA.  Delia raised concerns about the project reporting timeframe and the delayed arrival of the craft.  Nicky provided reassurance that the program has been running just not at capacity yet.
  • We have submitted an expression of interest (EOI) through Ted O’Brien’s office for a grant for safety equipment. If successful with EOI then a grant application is submitted.
  • Dragon Boat Request for Storage

This matter was discussed during the meeting and members were not in favour.  However, in co-operation we agreed for Delia and Martin to meet with Dragon Boat Club and the Sunshine Coast Council to discuss options.

  • Marathon Races 2025 SCPSC.
    • Eudlo Creek – 30 March 2025 (Good Tides)
    • Maroochy River Paddle August unknown at this stage.
    • Suggestions from club members – check possible venues for good tide dates, parking, accessibility etc.
  • Peregian Beach College – Coaching Training Proposal.

Submitted to the collage, presently waiting feedback.

  • Changes to Constitution

Delia will draft the inclusion of Paddle Australia complaint management into our constitution.  It must be lodged with Office of Fair Trading by 4 January 2025.

  • ATO NFPs Self-Review Return

Delia tabled an ATO statement about NFPs lodgment of a self-review return by 31 March 2025 on income tax exemption.  Paul and Oliver are investigating and to return with information at next meeting.  All to read.

  • Coaching Information Document.

Any comments to Delia by next week.

  • Christmas Breakfast

Organised, see the latest newsletter.

  • Members Boat Use Payments

Delia raised concerns about who this affects ie mostly women who are a target group for increasing activity through paddling.  What other benefits do these members they get for their fees as they are not racing or training?  Also we should not implement a system that pushed people to obtain their own craft when we cannot offer storage at this point.  Martin provided a cost/benefit formula and suggested it begin 1 July 2025, with $50 payable each six months.  No vote taken.

  • Newsletter Items
    • Uniforms are available – register size and qty on the list – payment of due amount on line to club account.
    • GP1 results.

Meeting closed 18:25; next meeting 7 or 14t January 2025 at Rivershore Resort, Bli Bli.


Tuesday 19 November 2024, Rivershore Resort, Bli Bli, 5:15pm

Attendees: Paul Shipton, Delia West, Matt Ramke-Meyer, Nicky Donaldson, Martin Parsons & Oliver Sweetman

Apologies: Deb Wright, Justin Wright, Tim Kreis (on leave)

Previous Minutes October 2024  

The minutes of the meeting of October 2024 were tabled with-out corrections. Delia moved that the minutes were a true and accurate record; seconded Nicky, motion passed.

  • AGM & Monthly Meeting Minutes be Posted on Club Notice Board as per AGM Discussion

Item formalised – Action: Copy of these and future meeting minutes be posted on club notice board.

  • Coaching Structure

Proposal to write a club coaching information / structure sheet / training times / fees / coaches for distribution to notice board, website and/or as a handout to new members, parents of juniors, and come and try groups etc.

Action: Nicky and Delia in collaboration with Sharlene will prepare a “Club Coaching Information Sheet by February 2025.

Action: Martin agreed to look at payment options for these and other programs eg EFT to club account, “SQUARE payment system” or cash to the safe under the bench, or use the “Just Go” system.

Discussion Point – There are no charges for use of club boats by members who don’t have their own craft.  As maintenance is still required, the committee discussed the introduction of a user pays system after the trial time (eg three months) to encourage members to buy their own boats and reduce maintenance costs.

Action: Committee to decidehow much a club user fee might be and time period at next meeting.

  • Schools Programs
    • Peregian Beach Request

Action: Delia agreed to prepare costing sheet.

  • Arethusa College

Action: Proposal to gift excess MRP shirts, along with course attendance certificates.  Accepted. Delia will complete and distribute. Thanks Delia.

  • Treasurer Report

Expenditure – New Keys, Insurance Premium, Test & Tag.

Income – Strategic Planning Grant.

Presented & Proposed Oliver, seconded Delia.

  • New Shed & Fence Status
    • Scope Addition:  Add a sliding gate on the western fence facing Eudlo Creek.

Action: All agreed this was a better option to access the wash down area from the creek, especially during Sunday market and netball competitions when parked vehicles and moving traffic hazards are present.  The sliding gate will be installed at the same time as fence extension.

  • Shed:  Martin presented four plans – option # 3 with one central “fire door” was accepted.  Martin will continue to consult with the shed company and council WIP to next meeting.  Martin has full support from the committee.
    • Kayak Racking: All committee members please gather ideas from members for presentation and evaluation at the next meeting.
    • New Fence Extension: work will begin around 26 – 27 November 2024.
  • Locker Boxes, Replacing Metal Shelving and Chairs

Delia moved that Pete Melia be reimbursed for construction and out of pocket expenses. Seconded Paul – All in favour.

  • Christmas Breakfast Proposal – Saturday 21 December 2024

Delia proposed a breakfast as the club Christmas celebration for this year.  The suggested menu was: scrambled eggs, bacon, bread and fruit.  Seconded Martin, all in favour.

  • Grants
    • Strategic Planning: Success with Council Grant for strategic planning.
    • Remodeling: Waiting on feedback from GOV AU on remodeling of toilet and shower facilities grant application.
    • New Dinghy Motor: Rachel from the Buderim Foundation is yet to complete a “short story” on the new dinghy motor and the impact it has made ie much easier for coaches, safer and better handling and quieter on the water. 

Action: Rachel from the Buderim Foundation will contact Sharlene to complete the story.

  • Other Business
    • New Club Shirts:  Nicky updated the committee on the new shirts.  All agreed to go ahead for the club to purchase 30 shirts based on the current member interest list.  Nicky will issue a deadline for reserving a shirt and payment to club current account by EFT when she has further details.
  • Viking Kayak Trailers: Paul advised that the two kayak trailers used for the Viking kayaks are all rusted and need replacing.  Action: Paul suggests there are plenty of good ones on the market, however club should wait until safe storage is available in the case of theft if left outside.
  • 000 Emergency App: Paul suggested coaches and instructors load the 000 Emergency App on their phones as a backup while at the club conducting training activities. Item not discussed – hold over to next meeting.
  • K4 Trailer Service: Action: Hud to arrange service and assess if the jockey wheel needs replacing – thanks Hud.
  • Retrieval of Capsized Paddlers: Paul consulted with Terry Langton who is Surf Lifesaving IRB Rescue Trained.  Terry advised it’s not easy to retrieve persons from the water when in a boat like our club dinghy.  Also that there are no recommended techniques are available for training.  As a possible solution, Paul suggested that we equip our dinghy with a “Retrieval Float Lifesling & Stowbag”.  These slings have a floating rope which can be attached to a secure point on the dinghy.  The sling is thrown to a paddler to assist with safe retrieval.  Examples at Whitworths Cat.No.74585 cost $199.90.  It was noted during the meeting, that dinghy’s are referred to as “Safety Boats” during events and that kayaks and paddles are not the priority in the event of a capsize.  The paddler is the priority and this should be added to the event briefing.

Action: Paul has emailed Paddle Qld to gain more information on the subject.

  • Security Cameras: Paul has all the paperwork.  Action: File secure details and hand over to Delia for inclusion in the club ‘where is it’ index and SOP.
  • Marathon Preparation and Discussion:  Items for December Meeting
    • Venue options
    • Ideas on how events are organised and run.
    • Eudlo Creek Race
  • Kayak and Paddle Maintenance:  Action: Delia looking at working bee arrangements.