December 2021 Newsletter

Hello everyone, as the year draws to a close, let us remember the good times we’ve had paddling with our friends and family.

Christmas Party

Come and celebrate at the club Christmas party on 4 December 6pm at the club house. Bring some food to share and byo drinks.

Sun Safety

As individuals we have a responsibility to ensure that we observe sun safe practices. This means setting an example to junior paddlers and coaches reminding paddlers to cover up, wear a hat and sunglasses and use screen.  There is sunscreen on the bench in the club house if you forget to apply before leaving home. Here is the Paddle Australia sun safe policy.

“Leaders should adhere to and promote best practice sun protection behaviour. In the case of UV protection, best practice includes:

  • Regular use of high protection factor sunscreen on all exposed areas, with reapplication at least every 2 hours (more often when sweating or in spray/wet environments)
  • Regular use of a high protection factor lip balm
  • Use of a wide brim hat or a style that gives 360° protection. The hat should be tied on. Where helmets are used, liberal, regular use of sunscreen is required. Helmets with visors should be used if available
  • Long sleeved shirts with a collar, appropriate to the conditions (rash vests, thermal tops, caps, etc.) should be worn
  • In the event that legs are exposed for prolonged periods then liberal, regular use of sunscreen is a minimum. A full length pant, of a fit and material that is safe and comfortable for swimming, is preferable
  • Eye protection from solar UV radiation is recommended, particularly in highly reflective environments (the paddling environment). Sunglasses should be chosen for their UV protection.”

Water Safety

While we’re on safety topics, recently one of our paddlers was tipped over under the Maroochy River Bridge.  When I reported this to Marine Services Qld, they advised that unfortunately, there is not much they can do without some identification of the craft. All powered watercraft have registration identification number on them. If at all possible, please try to see some details of the craft type and identification number. I understand this is the last thing on one’s mind when encountering a capsize but . . .  here is the link to the Paddle Australia safety page:

Fence Damage

On 30 November a tree fell onto the back fence at the club house. Council have removed the debris and the fence will be repaired as soon as possible. 

Stay safe, have fun, see you on the water. Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2022. We’re looking forward to an exciting 2022. From your Committee (Delia, Doug, Paul, Tim, Lach, Matt & Jason)