Thanks to everyone who contributed and came along to make the soup night a success. A relaxing evening shared around the fire, enjoying delicious dishes from various members.
Virtual Series Saturday 31 July 2021
We will run the 18, 12 & 6km course on Saturday for anyone wishing to submit their time for the virtual series. The 18km start will be at 6:30am, 12km at 6:45am and the 6km at 7am.
The come and try session will be at 8:30 as usual.
Lost Paddle
There is a paddle missing following the National Sprints in Adelaide. It is a Jantex, in a cover with the name Lucinda Kelly on it. It you have seen it or know where it is please advise and we will pass on the message.
New Ergo
As indicated in Jason’s email about the ergo Olympics, our new paddling ergo arrived last week. This was funded by a Stronger Communities Program grant through the Department of of Industry, Innovation and Science, Australian Government.
Volunteers for Maroochy River Paddle
Thank you for all those people have volunteered to assist with our major event the Maroochy River Paddle on 22 August 2021. We still need another handful so please let us know if you’re available.
QAS Squad Resumes Training
After taking a well earned break following the nationals in Adelaide, the QAS squad are back training.
Pacific Coast Series – Nudgee Race 18 July 2021
The club was well represented at the Nudgee Race of the Pacific Coast Series. There were four juniors and 10 seniors. Although there were some injuries and boat breakages, the results showed the Sunshine Coast Paddlesports Club had placings as follows:
Division 3 Female, 12km: 1) Neiva Wright 2) Jada Baker 3) Jade Smallwood
Division 2 Mixed, 12km 1) Delia West & John Smallwood K2
Male, 12km 1) Jake Hudson & Graeme Hudson K2, 2) Matt Remke-Meyer, 3) Justin Wright
Division 1 Male, 18km 1) Ross Fountain, Jason Keating 4)
Time Trial Sunday 1 August 2021
Don’t forget your Petrie Creek time trail on Sunday. Beat your best time and catch up with your paddling buddies after. Sign on from 6:30 for a 7am start.