We were saddened to hear of the tragic loss of Jordan Kelly while paddling in Moreton Bay. Our hearts go out to his family and to Jack McDonald.
National Sprint Championships
Congratulations to the following members who competed at the National Sprint Titles in Adelaide: Kate Regan, Alicia Fay, Lucinda Kelly, Pierrick Cartier, Catalina Stylianou, Luka Stylianou, Neiva Wright, Jada Baker, Sienna Baker, Joe Wills, Jason Keating, Alyce Wood, Ally Bull.
I want to especially thank Jason for his enthusiastic coaching that has resulted in an increase in club members paddling in the national sprints from three people last year, to 13 this year.
Our competitors do not get there without the support of family who sacrifice early morning sleep ins, annual leave, family time together in their efforts to get the paddlers through the long training weeks and then to the event. In particular this year when the event changed from Sydney to Adelaide at the last minute. Well done and thank you.
It’s also great that maximum use is being made of club boats (K4s, K2s and K1s) and the club trailer.
Membership Renewal
Paddle Australia (PA) will be sending email reminders to renew your membership which is due on 1 July 2021. Please use the PA website for the renewal process. Remember if you need assistance with fees the Paddle on Foundation may be to assist. See the PA website for more details.
General Club Committee Meeting
We are reviving the general committee meetings to be held at the club house on a Saturday morning after training. All welcome to come along to the first one 19 June at 8:30am.
Club Soup Night 24 July
We are holding a club get together in the evening on Saturday 24 July at the club house. Bring a plate to share or try some of the pot dishes like spaghetti bolognaise or vegetarian curry and rice. Stay warm around the fire pit at the wash down area. It’s a full moon so you could go for a float then have a nice bowl of something hot to warm up. Please advise of your attendance via email sunshinecoastpaddlesportsclub@gmail.com or by text message 0498 6322 65.
Quipmo – Equipment for the Moment
Every need some gear for an event but don’t want to outlay the funds? Have some equipment that is not used much that could be rented? Quipmo, Equipment for the Moment may be just what you’re looking for.
Floor Treatment
Norm and Maureen Jackson have completed the non-slip floor treatment and yellow trip hazard identification. We have also had to mark out areas under the fire extinguishers. Please leave this area clear. Also, please ensure the path to the fire exit door is clear of chairs, boats, paddles and bags.
Maroochy River Paddle – Save the Date 22 August 2021
If you aren’t paddling, please consider volunteering as we will need helpers for a variety of tasks.
Please let us know any ideas for making our club a great place to be. Likewise, please advise us if you see anything around the club that needs fixing.
Regards, Delia, Doug, Paul, Tim, Matt, Jason, Lach