This year, the club has increased membership and experienced continued growth through coaching and training programs. This was despite COVID interruptions when resources (races) have been scarce due to travel restrictions.
The initial lock down in Victoria meant that paddling there was excluded due to it being designated as a restricted activity. Luckily we in Queensland have been able to maintain our sport while in lock down. I enjoyed the very quite waterways. We also saw Water Police pulling over jet skis.
The impact of COVID on the club meant a lot of reading and sign making. I was impressed with the compliance shown by members to the difficult and challenging rules. The ongoing signing-in on arrival will be staying as an everyday occurrence. It’s easy to become complacent and not use sanitiser before and after the sign-on pen, but I urge you to continue.
Observance of COVID safe actions in our paddling activities at the club will ensure we can continue to stay open. Training and using the club house at different times is helpful in this regard.
During COVID lock down we didn’t get to talk to our paddling buddies as much which left a bit of a hole in our connectedness. But camaraderie is something the club promotes and we regrouped through working bees and events.
The calendar year report is different to that of the financial report. One difference is that we get to be part of the self appreciation society and talk about all the good things we did like:
Paddle Queensland awards: Jason Keating for Club Coach of the Year; and Delia West for Volunteer of the Year.
Club Gear Order: Jenaya Massie organised with Saltwater Threads for a pop up store where individuals could order club tee-shirts and jumpers.
Work on Various Grants 2020 in date order
- Resolved water leak with $2,000 emergency assistance grant from Sunshine Coast Council. Works were undertaken by Daniel O’Brien of Bayswater Plumbing. The meter was moved from the toilet block to behind the club house. Council also supplied a one-off discretionary grant of $2,000 to assist with the costs of this issue.
- State Gvt grant of $2,000 for equipment to help deliver quality, physical activity experiences at Maroochydore. Items purchased included life jackets, paddles and paddle craft.
- Funding of $2,800 from Sunshine Coast and the help of volunteers saw the club house repainted in March. Thanks to N&M Jackson P/L for their expertise and assistance.
- We applied for $5,000 from Sunshine Coast Council for essential operational and maintenance and were happy to be awarded $2,000 in a very competitive process.
- Rate relief from Council for one quarter.
- State Gvt funding of $2,000 to restart and continue delivery of physical activity post COVID lock down.
- State Gvt funding of $17,500 to replace rusting and unsafe boat racks with welded aluminum racks. Thanks to volunteers for spending their father’s day at the club.
- QAS $450 for a weather proof dinghy cover which allows the dinghy to be kept outside the club house.
A grant application for an ergo was unsuccessful due to corrupted file attachment of the quote from Ocean Paddlers, Sydney.
One grant application is yet to be announced in December.
Club Working Bees
- Boat stock take and general boat repair John Smallwood, Delia
- Boat sales and general boat repair Bob Hamblet, other club members
- Boat racks, Paul Shipton, Tim Kreis and his work experience employee who made the carpet cutting tool which avoided injuries but got the job done quickly, Maureen Jackson and all volunteers Doug, Delia, Hud, Cathy Willems, Todd Grace, Kathy Crossley, Jason & Jane Keating, Nicky Donaldson and Steve McLay, Justine & Neiva Wright, Vicki Fudge & Rita Stefanovic and more….
- Club house repaint, Norm and Maureen Jackson and all the volunteers – great to see Ross Fountain among other volunteers. Ross also came to time trial with his boys who we hope to see paddling in 2021.
- Ongoing mowing of the club house yard and removal of rubbish throughout the year was diligently undertaken by Mal Buchannan with help from Rob Burrell on occasion.
- In recognition of all our volunteers, thank you for your assistance. Without you we wouldn’t be going so well.
Training Sessions
- Tuesday morning sprint session consistently around 8 – 10 paddlers.
- QAS squad coached by Todd Grace. You might recognise some of their names from surf Jenaya Massie and Kate Reagan. Others include: Peter Elford, Alicia Fay, AJ McVicar, Daniel Peacock, Ben Regan, Phoebe Wills-Grace and Lucinda Kelly. (Apologies if I’ve left anyone out.)
- Thursday mornings, 1 km wash leads up the river. Fast and not so fast groups.
- Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.
- Saturday mornings training groups have varied attendance times throughout the year. Groups at different times doing longer distances as there is more time available on Saturdays as compared to week days. K4 sessions provided great club bonding with the safety boat and cameraman, Matt posted these photos on facebook and we gained exposure. We had enquiries about more K4 days. Training sessions also included two person craft (K2, double ski); and of course lots of singles.
One of the things I liked about coming to kayaking after a life in team sports, was that there was an opportunity to have the outcome depend on me alone. If I fell in or didn’t come first, it didn’t matter to anyone else but me and I hadn’t let a team down.
- Sunday mornings paddle out to the Sand Bar Cafe at Cotton Tree.
- Regular recreational paddlers at various times.
- Elite training groups with their coaches.
- People have joined in running the sessions – usually those with a watch who can also read it!
- Great footage by Paul Shipton of 26.7 South Productions; and Matt Remke-Meyer on face book.
- Good cross-over between flat water and surf with members participating in various open water events throughout the year. We even had a couple of Marcoola SLSC members join some Thursday morning training sessions.
The recent donation (thanks Todd) of two paddling ergos and a mirror should assist in off water training in 2021.
Coaching, Come & Try + Learn to Paddle
- Jason started in February but had to close in March due to COVID. We restarted again with increased numbers and a couple of paddlers finishing off from February.
- After four weeks, the 8 week, learn to paddle course started. The number of attendees increased again and we asked members to volunteer the use of their TK1s to cope. Thank you to all members who rallied and have volunteered their TKs for these sessions as we ran out of boats. Looks funny now but could have been embarrassing!
- Assistance from Justin, Lach, Matt, Tim and others during the year at the come and try and learn to paddle was much appreciated.
- Congratulations to Pete Meilia, Marshall Morison, Daryl Wood, Jonathan Dixon, Jonathan Routledge, Nicole Dobson, Andrew and Michelle Napier, Wendy Major, Lennon Naylor, Annette Dawson, Trish Bentley and Sally McCrumstie who have come participated in the programs since September.
- The club funded eight x 1.5hr Wednesday afternoon sessions in August and September. These were coached by John Lakeland and aimed at junior and intermediate paddlers. John did a great job and has a natural rapport with young paddlers.
- From this, an intermediate squad developed and since October, Jason Keating has been training these upcoming paddlers (Morgan, Neiva, Pierrick, Kiara, Joe, Neil, Xav) at various times including 5:30am on Monday and Wednesdays for some.
- A dozen QAS paddlers joined the club in July. They are coached by Todd Grace and they would have competed overseas this year in the Olympic Hopeful’s event in Italy had it not been for COVID. Its very hard to build up to an event and then remain/ maintain motivation to continue training. With the aid of Kenny Wallace and Alyce Burnett doing sessions at the club house, members have remained focussed. I am sure they appreciate taking the opportunity to chat with these elite athletes and gain insight to future competition. To assist with training, Todd has been using the club dinghy. And to help the club, QAS has funded a new dinghy cover for the tinny as well as some maintenance. We purchased a trailer that one person can easily use to manoeuvre the dinghy to the creek side.
Race Attendance
Club members performed well at these are other events throughout the year:
- Paddle Queensland (PQ) sprints at Lake Wyaralong Dam in January
- Paddle Australia Sprint Regatta at Sydney in March
- Pacific Coast 10km commencing in March at Varsity Lakes and then recommencing in August at Dunethan Rock and Currumbin in October. Unfortunately the September race scheduled for Brisbane was cancelled due to COVID.
- The Pacific Coast started in March but soon morphed into the Pacific Coast Virtual series. Members showed great dedication to completing the 10km and 5km distances each month. In particular, Gillie Matthew, Xavien Maclean, Nicky, Jason, Lach Kent, John Lakeland, John Smallwood.
- Paddlers from across the paddling community have enjoyed our monthly time trials. It’s a good opportunity to have a quick hit out and enjoy a bit of social interaction afterwards.
Dunethan Rock & Roll
On behalf of the Pacific Coast Series, first one back after lock down, the club hosted the Dunethan Rock and Roll, 10km out and back race, with 97 paddling participants. At very short notice we mobilised 20 volunteers from club members and their families; and members from the Paddle Qld Marathon Committee. Everyone worked hard and ensured a successful event that marked the return to non-virtual racing. This provided a much needed hit out for paddlers and input of funds in a year with reduced income streams.
Jane Keating was our COVID safe officer. She was armed with a certified /approved 1.5m pool noodle to remind participants in a fun way, to keep distance. Parking monitors, first aid officer, registration desk workers, motorised and non-motorised safety craft people, starters, time keepers, photographers, pontoon helpers, boat ramp helpers and to all our sponsors provided prizes and who came along and helped make a beautiful day at Dunethan Rock Scout area, thank you. Funds raised go to providing training programs by the club.
Buck Rogers, from Mooloolaba Paddlers and Jake Hudson saved me enormous stress by taking care of the Webscorer processes. Time trial participants will be familiar with my attempts to learn the navigation of this app. Use and learn.
On Fence Advertising for Sponsors
Council have provided approval for us to commence on fence advertising for sponsors.
The committee commenced work in May 2019 in preparation for a new lease as the old lease was to expire on 31/12/2019. After much delay, Council have provided a completed licence for the period 01/01/2020 to 31/12/2021. Yay!
For 2021 we have planned to grow our club capacity by attending events as teams and volunteers. We can learn from others and adapt ideas for our own setting. Please let us know if you would like to attend an event as part of the club group, to see what happens.
Let us not forget the losses we have experienced this year, both personally and as a club. Maggie and the girls did a lovely job of decorating the club house to farewell Scott Atkins on a very wet July afternoon.
All our good work puts us in a capable position moving into 2021. Together we can achieve our objectives of getting more people paddling more often.
It’s good to have a rest and take a well earned break. Have a safe and happy paddling Christmas and New Year celebration. May the wind be calm and may all the jet skis stay at home.
I consider it a privilege to be president of this club and it’s nice to know what we do as a committee is appreciated.
See you on the water, regards, Delia, Doug, Paul, Tim, Lach, Matt, Jason.