Dunethin Rock & Roll 10km Paddle Race

This is a report on from the Sunshine Coast Paddlesports Club following their hosting of a race as part of the Pacific Coast Paddle Series at Dunethin Rock on 9 August 2020.

On 13 July, following the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions, Paddle Queensland inquired if the club would host a race on 9 August for the Pacific Coast Paddle Series.  After a short consideration the committee agreed.

This set in motion a frantic pace of events to obtain permits from Council and Marine Services Queensland.  COVID-19 added further impost to an already tight deadline. 

There were approximately 20 volunteers and committee extends a special thank you to these people who gave up competing and/ or their Sunday, to ensure a successful day.

All volunteers completed an online recognition of COVID-19 course prior to the day.  A COVID-19 specific overseer helped remind attendees to continue to do the right thing.  All non-paddlers were requested to sign a COVID-19 register.  The list of participants and their contact details plus the non-paddler contact list were provided to the caretakers of the scout hall as part of the hire agreement.  Volunteers were advised of their role in a pre-race briefing.  All volunteers were provided with a list of phone numbers of other volunteers to ensure all round communication could occur if necessary.

The majority of volunteers came from the club but a special mention must be made of:

  • All club volunteers that manned necessary sections such Narelle, Vicky and Rita on registration; Jane as the COVID-19 overseer; Dave as the parking monitor.
  • Paul and Csilla Shipton for photography.
  • Matt Ramke-Meyer for social media adverting and arranging prizes and give-aways.
  • Assistance from Buck Rogers, Mooloolaba Paddlers and Jake Hudson with the timing, start lists and Webscorer.
  • Members of the Paddle Queensland Flatwater Technical Committee who worked on the ground alongside club members.

This commitment from the executive is very welcome and appreciated.  Additionally, the expertise of Jake & Buck was critical in the event’s success. 

Due to COVID-19, only coffee was available to purchase.  Participants were advised to bring their own food, drinks and wash down water.   Dunethin Rock Scout Hall only has tank water which could not extend to washing equipment down.  Paddlers were advised on the Friday via email of the schedule of events which was:

7:30am            registration opened

8.30am            registration closed

9.00am            Welcome from the club and race briefing

10.00am First wave starts. Waves will be in set intervals.

12.00pm Course closure

12.30pm Results and lucky prize draws

The event largely ran to schedule.

A very big thank you to the following businesses who have donated a range of prizes

The Paddle Shop Kawana, who also set up a stall

Paddle2Fitness Julian Norton-Smith

Good Life Gym & Fitness, Sunshine Coast

Hair Strengtheners, Todd Grace

Water Bottles, Sunshine Coast 4WD Centre

Pacific Coast Series travel mugs

Bli Bli Water Sports Entry Voucher

Pacific Coast Series Travel Mugs

Participants included a variety of craft and ages: a few U12s who were racing for the first time (well done); SUPs; OC6; single and double OCs; skis; and kayaks; through to a few over 70year olds (well done also).

There were 97 participants on the day with all but two completing on-line registration and payment.  There was mixed feedback about the registration process both good and bad and this will be taken into consideration for future events.