Restrictions Eased but Craft Damaged

Hello, you will see some new signs around the club house now that restrictions have eased.  However, we must continue to observe social distancing and restrict group sizes to 10 at this stage.  Please use the hand sanitizer and anti-bacterial wipes placed around the club house for your convenience.  

While retrieving your craft it is important to ensure that you do not damage surrounding kayaks.  A report has been received that a personal boat has been damaged while stored at the club house.  Respect for others is something we’ve grown to appreciate more over the last couple of months with COVID-19 restrictions.  Please take care and respect others’ equipment.  A lot of kayaks are an expensive investment.  It can be maddening and disappointing when needless damage occurs.

Please be aware that on Sundays, a group of Maroochydore SLSC under 12s are doing learn to paddle lessons on Eudlo Creek.  At the moment this activity is separate and we’ll keep you posted on their incorporation into the club. 

It’s hard to keep paddling in this cold weather but as you can see from some new photos on our facebook page, there is some unexpected beauty. 

Here’s a photo of one of our junior paddlers Jade Jet Smallwood, otherwise known as JJ, when she first started seven years ago.  JJ now paddles a Nelo K1 and is participating in the 10km Virtual Series U15.  She’s logging some fast times as is Joe Wills who is leading the U12 boys TK1.  Good luck for the rest of the series to JJ, Joe and all our Virtual Series competitors.