Paddle to Fitness

Paddle to Fitness coach Julian Norton-Smith sends this message

Dear Presidents / Club Members

We would like to thank you all for your ongoing support of Paddle 2 Fitness. Over the past 12 years, Paddle 2 Fitness has been able to assist many clubs and paddling members with coaching and programs.

Since our last podcast (#29.The 180 Formula), we have been inundated with messages and asked about training programs. 

Our exciting Paddle 2 Fitness Programs web platform is still a couple of months away but we have decided to bring the training programs elements to you early due to increased demand. 

For $25 / month you will receive weekly training programs which will include:

  • 5 – 6 paddling sessions
  • 1 – 2 gym / cross training sessions
  • as well as other training elements

We will be following the 180 formula as well as the 80/20 rule  which will be covered in Paddle 2 Fitness Podcast #30 on 22nd April 2020. 

If you have been isolated, are in lock down or your local squad sessions have ceased, don’t worry as with our programs you can still exercise and you can still paddle. This is just perfect for you.

If you feel that this may benefit some of your members, we would appreciate if you could forward this onto them. 

For more information please click here:

Be Safe, Keep Paddling
Julian Norton-Smith