Time Trial Results
While some members were enjoying white water training at the Mann River, a few completed the time trial on Sunday 4 February. Long course results were:
Matt Ramke-Meyer 51:37
Jake Hudson 52:10
Justin Wright 52:11
Short course results:
Bryn Davis & Lachlan Kent 38:20
Vance Murphy & Tracey Murphy 41:00
Graeme Hudson 44:10
Elke Malender 44:30
And thanks to John Smallwood for escorting our new member Marge Allison on an orientation of the course.
Zero Party – 18 February, 3pm, Club House
This year a number of club members celebrate a ‘zero’ birthday. Fred O’Neill, John Smallwood, Graham Batchelor, Joe Ballantyne, Nicky Donaldson, Pete Melia, Mary-Ann McLoughlin, Lucinda McGuinn and Nicola Hancock. We will hold an afternoon tea on Saturday 18 February to celebrate these birthdays. As reported in the January newsletter Fred, a founding member, turned 90 and a lot of us have benefited from his coaching over the years. Please come along to the club house on Saturday 18 February at 3pm to help us celebrate. RSVP to Delia via text on 0498632265 of your intention to attend.
Paddle Calendar
Paddle Australia and Paddle Queensland have a calendar of events for the upcoming year. Please make sure you’re aware of dates so you can set your training goals and be fully prepared. This year will involve a lot of travelling to Victoria and Western Australia for those competing national sprint and marathon events.
Coming up on 19 February is the Tingalpa Trot. This is a fun race that starts at the Wynnum Redlands Canoe Club, mouth of Tingalpa Creek at Thornside; and finishes at Capalaba.
Emerging Athlete Grants
While our elite members, Aly Bull, Alexandra Clarke and Alyce Wood continue to be an inspiration to younger paddlers, we should also congratulate Neiva Wright and Jada Baker on Queensland Team selection for WA.
To assist parents in getting their children to the National Sprint event in WA, I have attached some information on grants available for emerging athletes.
Sunshine Coast Council also provide grants for local athletes
A big thank you to our coaches Jason Keating, Sharlene Kelly and Todd Grace and Nicky Donaldson for their continued coaching commitment.
Club House Care & Security
Here are some important items for you to note and action:
- Hang up the hoses after washing down your craft.
- Put the wash down racks away on the hooks.
- Ensure all the lights are turned off, particularly the shower light that includes a fan as this can be a fire hazard.
- Lock the gate correctly so that the bolt is below the padlock.
Personally I would like to thank all of you who have helped out while Jason and I have been away.
As usual, if you have any suggestions, please feel free to talk or email us at sunshinecoastpaddlesportsclub@gmail.com
Regards, Delia, Doug, Paul, Tim, Lachlan, Matt & Jason