October 2022 Newsletter

Congratulations to club members (Bill McGuinn, Jason Keating, Zale Outram, Joe Wills, John Smallwood, Jada Baker, Neiva Wright, Pierrick Cartier, Elke Madlener, Lach Kent, Justin Wright, Bryn Davis) who competed at the State Titles over the weekend 8 and 9 October.  From these photos you can we had a lot of podium finishers! Thanks Deb Wright for the photos.

Pierrick’s start

Bill first place

Girls on the podium Jada & Neiva & Elke with paddle buddy from Varsity

Some of the SCPC crew that attended
Neiva second & Elke third – well done girls
Lach Kent first
Justin wins second
John in third place
Joe & Bill win first place
Zale in second & Jason in third place

Clarence 100

Another group of club members (Nicky Donaldson, Ray Robinson, Graeme Hudson and Delia West) competed in the Clarence 100 race.  The mighty Clarence River is in northern NSW.  The three day race starts at Copmanhurst and ends at Grafton on the first day; day two is from Grafton to Maclean; and day three is from Maclean to Yamba.  The team won the four person mixed relay.

Thanks to the ground crew (Steve McLay and Renae Robinson) for all the coffee, snakes, paddle carrying etc.

Winners of the mix relay Delia, Hud, Nicky & Ray

Club Logo Printing

We will do a print run of the club logo on your chosen apparel.  A box will be set up in front of the kitchen bench in the club house.  Please name your items and place them in the box.  The price is unknown at this stage but is estimated to be between $10 – $15 per item.  Maroochy River shirts are also available for purchase.

QAS Scholarship Coach

The club congratulates Sharlene Kelly, the newly appointed Queensland Academy of Sport Scholarship Coach for the Sunshine Coast.  Club coaches met with Sharlene to discuss her role and provide an overview of our programs.  We look forward to working with Sharlene to ensure club paddlers reach their full potential.

Medical Information Collection – Event Registration

Paddle Australia has recently introduced a policy and form to collect medical information relevant to pre-existing health conditions when participating in PA sanctioned events.  This is a risk management strategy to the safety of all event participants.

As individuals you are responsible to ensure that: you take a ventolin puffer with you (in the boat) when training; wearing a life vest if your condition warrants it; always paddle with a buddy; and tell your coach if you have any concerns that may impact on your ability to participate in the session.

Solo Paddling

Last month we investigated the options for solo paddlers ensuring they are safe and some one is alerted if they fail to return.  Advice from other clubs was to use one of the apps available that track you and send an alert if movement stops for more that an predetermined time.  The recommendation is SafeTrx the official app used by the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard and Marine Rescue Qld.  See https://coastguard.com.au/safetrx/ for details.

October Time Trial Results

Long Course

Justin Wright                           53:08

Vance Murphy                        53:19

Lachie Kent                              54:19

Denis Stegeman                     59:24

Jake Hudson                            DNF

Short Course

Brendon O’Donnell               42:21

Graeme Hudson                    43:43

John Smallwood                     46:41

Date Savers

AGM – 5 November 2022                                             Christmas Party  3 December – both at the club house.

Please contact the committee if you have any suggestions for improvements via our email sunshinecoastpaddlesportsclub@gmail.com

Thank you to the following sponsors

Sunshine Coast 4WD CentreCricks Maroochydore SubaruAccurate Pest Management
Westaway ElectricalAlexandra Headland SLSCFuture Plus – Environmental
South East CivilNorth Coast FoodsNorth Shore Realty
Carruthers ContractingCustom CoversViking Trucks
PJ Burns BuildersStructural & Mechanical Design Solutions 
And thank you to the following government bodies for their support:
Australian Government, Dept of Business & IndustryQld Government, Dept of Sport & RecSunshine Coast Council