June 2022 Newsletter

Sunshine Coast Paddlesports Club June 2022 Newsletter

Competition Results

Australian Sprint Championships Adelaide

Congratulations to all those who competed at Adelaide in May.  Also well done to the parents and coaches who got them there.  Full results are available on Web scorer.

I’d especially like to thank Custom Covers at Forest Glen who made the cockpit covers for the club boats.

ICF Sprint World Cup

You may have seen the Paddle Australia articles about the results for Ally Bull and Alexandra Clarke when they competed at the Senior World Cup Championships in Posnan, Poland in May.  Congratulations girls, it’s great to have you as club members, particularly as aspiring paddlers are looking up to you for inspiration.

Barron River Race

Steve McLay was the outright winner in the 20km race on Saturday. The race includes rapids and hazards. Well done Steve.

May Time Trial

Thanks to Deb Wright for volunteering to do the timing for the May Time Trial.  There are no results as no one ventured out!  Although on holidays in north Queensland, Graeme Hudson and Delia West completed a 7.5k course in the K2 in 45 minutes on Tinnaroo Dam.

Sharkskin Apparel

Please contact Matt Ramake-Meyer at m_ramke@live.co.uk if you are interested in purchasing some of this fantastic apparel at a discounted price.

Farewell for Now Bob Hamblet

Long time club member Bob Hamblet is moving further north to warmer climes with less traffic and closer to family.  Bob has been instrumental in keeping our ageing fleet of touring kayaks afloat as well as numerous other behind the scenes contributions.  Best wishes for the future Bob and please drop in when you’re down this way.

Grant Success

We have been successful with two grants and are still awaiting the outcome of the building extension grant application from the Gambling Community Benefit Fund.  We wish to acknowledge the following:

  • Funding assistance from Sunshine Coast Council’s minor grants program for     $2,000 the Maroochy River Paddle. 
  • Grant funding through the Queensland Government Department of Sport &     Recreation for $2,000 to help deliver quality physical activity     experiences to support kayaking at Maroochydore.

Maroochy River Paddle

We are so excited that our signature event the Maroochy River Paddle is coming up.  Scheduled for 21 August, it promises to attract paddlers from all disciplines around the state.  This year our club is running the event without Marcoola SLSC.  Additionally, a number of volunteers have recently retired from the club due to injury.  Therefore, I am asking for all hands on deck (unless you’re paddling) to help us deliver a spectacular event. 

John Newton Team Boat Challenge

You would have seen the recent emails regarding this race.  It’s great to have it back on the calendar after a COVID induced absence. Please register you interest with Jason and be available for the training day on 3 July.

Paddle Qld 

Check the Paddle Queensland site for races listed on the calendar.  On 19 June Varsity Lakes are hosting the second race for the 2022 Pacific Coast Paddle Series after the first one was cancelled due to weather in May.  Other interesting items are available on their website including policies and articles regarding safety.  

PQ / Club Presidents Meeting

A meeting is held each quarter via video between PQ executives and club presidents.  The meeting held on 8 June provided an opportunity for clubs to peruse draft documents being developed by PQ.

One of the drafts concerned an awards structure and clubs are being encouraged to identify members using this criteria. These can then submit to PQ awards for their awards process.  This will open the process for club members to nominate deserving representatives in the respective categories.

Membership Fees Due

Please renew your membership through the Go Membership via Paddle Australia.

As always, please feel free to contact any committee member with your ideas or concerns.

Regards, Delia, Doug, Paul, Tim, Lach, Matt and Jason

Thank you to the following sponsors: 

Sunshine Coast 4WD Centre        Gary Cricks Auto    Accurate Pest Management

Westaway Electrical    Alexandra Headland SLSC    Future Plus – Environmental

North Coast Foods    North Shore Realty    Carruthers Contracting

South East Civil    Sunshine Coast Council    Qld Government, Dept of Sport & Rec

Australian Government, Dept of Business & Industry

Custom Covers