April 2022 Newsletter

Junior Teams Training

A successful team boats training day was held on 26 March when junior paddlers from Varsity Lakes and Brisbane joined with juniors from our club.  Scott Sharples and Andrea Wood from Paddle Queensland also came up to provide advice to parents and answer questions etc; and importantly, to cook the BBQ! A great day was had by all. The training was invaluable to help paddlers prepare for racing.   This year there has been an absence of official races due to weather cancellations as opposed to COVID cancellations over the last two years.

Grant Applications

Grant applications have been submitted for $2,000 for new paddles; $96,000 for the club house extension; $2,000 for Maroochy River Paddle expenses.

Club House Security

Doors continue to be left unlocked. If you are unsure of how to lock the door please ask someone before you go out for a paddle.

Please ensure the gate is locked.

Thanks to Mal Buchannan for discovering the attempted break in via cutting the fence behind the K4 trailer.  This highlights the need for members to be vigilant in keeping valuables safe eg car keys, phones etc, while out paddling.  And to ensure that the gates and doors are locked.  

Paddle Australia Marathon Championships

Thanks to all the coaches who have helped paddlers prepare for the upcoming championships on 22, 23 and 24 April.  Good luck to all members competing.  You’ve done the training, now is your time to shine.  

Talking of training and coaches, we wish Todd Grace a speedy recovery.  Todd injured his knee at the GP2 in Sydney and has had surgery.  However he’s been back at the club this week albeit on crutches. 

Thanks to those who have put their hand up to volunteer.  It’s not too late if you’re interested – just let Delia know. 

Time Trail Results 03/04/2022

Long Course – NameTime
Jake Hudson50:21
Justin Wright50:22
Bryn Davis & Lachlan Kent50:24
Paul Wood51:08
Geoff Pearce57:31
Graeme Hudson58:27
Short Course – NameTime
Elke Madlener43:45
Steve Mclay44:30
Peter Kiraly44:50
John Smallwood And Ray RobinsonDNF

As always, if you have any ideas or suggestions on how we can improve the club, please email us at sunshinecoastpaddlesportsclub@gmail.com

Regards, Delia, Paul, Doug, Tim, Lach, Matt & Jason