Club Update July 2020

Hello everyone, great to see you all out paddling, enjoying the fabulous, albeit cold weather conditions we have at the moment.

Keys / Security/ Boat Storage

We are happy to announce that there are no spaces left for boat storage!  Soon you will be allocated your sticker/ number to identify that you have paid your storage for this year.  If you do not wish to have a sticker on your boat, please attach a corflute tag to the rack, write your name on it and put the sticker on it.

Please keep your key safe and remember to close and lock the shed and gate when you go out for a paddle. 

Scott Atkins – long time member and much loved friend passed away two weeks ago.  Scott will be sadly missed.  He is remembered for his good humour and kind nature.  Although I’m sure Scott’s gone to heaven, he could paddle like a demon.

K4 Paddle – well done to all members of the five K4 boats who paddled out on Saturday 11 July.  There are some lovely photos on our facebook page taken by Paul Shipton, Club Secretary.  We will endeavour to repeat the team boat paddle on the second Saturday of each month.  This was good practise as there is a possibility that the John Newton Team Boat Challenge will be on at the end of August.

Time Trial – another good turnout for a lovely morning paddling.  Members enjoyed chatting over a cuppa afterwards in the winter sun with Scott Sharples, EO, Paddle Queensland who visited our club that day and participated in our time trial.  Results were:

Name Time    
Jason Keating 35.3
Ross Fountain 35.3
Bryce Newton 37.02
Matt Ramke-Meyer 37.14
John Lakeland 37.21
Bryn Davis 39.55
Lach Burrell 40.19
Justin & Neiva Wright 40.4
Norm Jackson & Lach Kent 41.45
Ray Robinson 42.05
Steve McLay & Nicky Donaldson 42.08
Tim Kreis 42.17
Mal Buchannan & Rob 43.04
Chris 43.17
Brendon O’Donnell 43.4
John Smallwood 43.43
Dave Kelly & Rob Burrell 48.51
Deb Wright 49.4
Scott Sharples 50.41
Anthony Ward 57.2

Dunethin Rock & Roll – Paddle Queensland have asked us to host the first of a three race series starting on 9 August.  This was the original date for the Maroochy River Paddle starting from Dunethin Rock.  As these races are only 10km, the entire course for our race this year will be out and back from Dunethin Rock.  Details coming soon.

Painting Finished – Thanks to Norm and Maureen and all the volunteers who helped get the shed repainted.  A look at photos from years gone by shows the various re-iterations.  In particular how it has grown from a small one bay building to the three areas we have today. 

General Committee Meetings – we will recommence holding a general committee meeting at the club house starting on Saturday 22 August at 9am.  All members are invited to come along. 

In the meantime please feel free to send your ideas and comments to

Regards, Delia