May Update

Sunshine Coast Paddlesports Club May 2020 Update

Thanks to everyone for observing the restrictions on distancing regulations, use of the club house and facilities.  It was good to see paddlers returning last week after the easing of the regulations. 

As we all know, we must continue to keep group numbers to 10 or under.  Your continued co-operation helps ensure that our club can continue to operate for the benefit of our paddling family.

The 2020 Pacific Coast Virtual series kicked off last Sunday.  Paddlers must submit three race times to by the second Sunday of each month.  It’s great to see some members who don’t usually race entering this competition. 

If you store your boat in the club house you will have noticed the dinghy has been stored outside.  This has allowed the bottom boat rack to be fixed.  Thanks Malcolm!  Not to mention the ease of boat retrieval and return, for members who store their boats in the central section of the club house.

While the closure of come and try and learn to paddle has been a set back, it has presented an opportunity for TK1 boat maintenance.  Thank you to Bob Hamblet for his ongoing efforts in fixing these and other club boats. 

Malcolm Buchanan and Rob Burrell have been working through the summer months to keep the club yard neat and tidy.  It is important to present a good image to the community as the club house has a high profile on Fishermans Road with the bike track/walk-way skirting the perimeter and Lions Park markets at the boat ramp.  At least the grass will be growing slower now that winter weather is upon us and this will give you guys some respite. 

As mentioned in the April update, the club house is due for repainting.  This will commence at the end of May.  Norm and Maureen Jackson will be undertaking this task.  They were part of the inaugural membership group and are painters by trade.  They have provided a sample of the new colour which can be seen on the front between the east roller door and the switch box.  The roof etc will be repainted in the same shade of green. 

You will have seen the emails for Paddle Australia and Paddle Queensland that includes information on this year’s fees.  The committee has set our fees for the 2020/2021 year at:

Senior $170

Junior $115

Your committee has also been considering options for boosting the budget following the cancellation of our race on 17 May (approx $2,000 income) and the possible loss of the Maroochy River Paddle (approx $2,000 income) in August.  By August there may be an opportunity to hold a race but we need to be prepared for the worst case scenario.  At lease these events are spread across two financial years and we’re working on options to keep our books in the black until we can return to fund-raising activities.

As mentioned previously, the committee is open to ideas and suggestions.  Please contact us if you have any queries  Additionally, if you have time and energy to contribute in some way eg managing the face book posts, your assistance would be greatly appreciated. 

We are all looking forward to the re-commencement of activities like come and try; learn to paddle; and monthly time trials in the coming months.  In the mean time, keep paddling.

Regards, Delia West, President; Doug Brennan, Treasurer; Paul Shipton, Secretary; Jason Keating, Coach; and committee members Tim Kreis, Lach Kent