Hello there and welcome to early June. The mornings are cold and dark but a dedicated group of paddlers continues to brave the conditions and train hard. See our facebook page for photos. Have you been getting out on the water? Winter weather often provides still, albeit cold, paddling conditions. So get out there and enjoy our beautiful water ways!
Fantastic news is that as of 12pm today we can travel anywhere in Queensland and stay overnight. However, we must still:
- wash our hands regularly with soap and water, and use alcohol-based sanitiser
- avoid hugs, kisses and handshakes
- wherever possible keep at least 1.5 metres away, two big steps, from people you don’t live with.
We will be recommencing the Petrie Creek time trail held on the first Sunday of each month starting 7 June.
It is our intention to finish the come and try program that was halted in March. Relevant individuals will be contacted separately by 12 June.
More good news is that we were successful with our grant application to paint the club house. Work has commenced and if the rain holds off will be finished within the month.
Three grant applications have been submitted to cover the loss of income from race cancellations that occurred due to COVID-19. If successful, our essential operational costs and maintenance will be covered.
The Maroochy SLSC has approached us about junior paddling. This program is specifically aimed at U12s but will benefit all junior paddlers in our club. As part of this project, Paddle Queensland is providing 10 learner craft. Thanks to Matt Ramke-Meyer who has volunteered to collect the boats from Varsity Lakes where Paddle Queensland headquarters is now located.
Matt has also been busy with our facebook page not only loading pics from our early morning training, but providing us with information from around the world on races, paddle craft, technique and training. Check it out!
The second month of the virtual paddle series is upon us. Congratulations to Neiva Wright U14 female age group winner (a correction to my previous note). Here’s a recent photo of Neiva.