April 2020 Update

In this message: Congratulations, Revised Distancing Restrictions, Clubhouse Maintenance, Boat Sale, Council Rebate


To all club members who competed at the 2020 Sprint Championships in Sydney from 11-15 March 2020.  They were Alyce Wood, Ally Bull, Billy Bain and Xavien MacLean.  These competitors did the club and Queensland proud with their results.  

To Gillie Matthew on winning a prize for submitting her response to the Paddle Australian Voice of Our Members Feedback.

Revised distancing regulations as per Paddle Australia and Paddle Queensland advice:

  • Only one person is to be in a shed, container or boat house at any one time.
  • A maximum of one boat is allowed on a wash rack at any one time.
  • A maximum of one person can wash boats at any one time.
  • Paddlers must always ensure a minimum distance of two metres between one another at all times, both on and off the water.
  • Paddlers must always ensure they enter and exit the water while keeping a minimum distance of two metres between one another.
  • Paddlers waiting to wash their equipment are to always keep a minimum distance of two metres between one another and not be in the vicinity of more than two people, including family members at any one time.

These regulations are difficult to enforce and adhere to. However, to ensure that we are still able to continue to paddle, I urge you to adhere to these restrictions.  It would be a shame to have the paddling privilege removed due to a member of the public or passing police car, noticing a congregation of people ie more than two, in the club yard and report us or take enforcement action.

The club house will soon be repainted as part of our scheduled maintenance program.  We have applied to the Sunshine Coast Council for a grant to assist with the payment for the repaint.

The offer of sale for excess club boats did not result in any offers.  These will now be offered on the open market.

And finally, Council have given sports clubs a reduction of one quarter of the annual lease fees in recognition of the impact of COVID-19. 

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