February 2020 Update

February 2020 Update

  1. Water Leak – fixed and paid for with a Council emergency grant and a one-off discretionary grant from Council.
  2. Lease – is with Counci’s legal unit for completion.
  3. Change Rooms Upgraded – thanks to all those who have had a part in upgrading the change rooms – Steve McLay, Jeff Wilkinson, Geoff Pearce (now at Currumbin Club), Ray Robinson and Mal Buchannan.
  4. Lawn Mowing – thanks to Mal and Justin Wright who have taken responsibility for keeping the club yard mowed.
  5. Boat Storage Stocktake/ Disposal, Boat Racks Fix – Although there is more work to be done, these three items are progressing. A letter of offer will soon be sent to club members initially, to dispose of some boats identified as surplus. Tim Kreis has volunteered to look various boat rack options/storage systems. Please talk to Tim if you have any ideas on maximising space and storage.
  6. Special thanks here to the boat fairy who pushed a low volume Challenger K1 over the fence with a note that it was a donation to the club. This will be a useful craft.
  7. Races: Tingalpa Trot 23 February; Petrie Pursuit 17 May; Maroochy River Paddle 9 August 2020. Pacific Coast Series various date see race calendar; Club Time Trial first Sunday each month.
    Alert: There has been a post meeting facebook message that the Tingalpa Trot has been postponed to 8 March 2020 due to flood damage. Check the Wynnum Redlands Canoe Club face book page for details.
    Once again Doug has done a fabulous job of getting all the approvals lodged for our Petrie Pursuit race. Next step will be allocations of jobs. If you can help, please contact us via email at sunshinecoastpaddlesportsclub@gmail.com
  8. The National Marathon Titles are being held at Geelong in April. Steve McLay will be taking a trailer of boats for the Queensland contingent.
  9. There is a calendar of races up in the club house.
  10. Come & Try; Learn to Paddle run by Jason Keating Jason continues to attract new members via this ongoing program. Special thanks for his time and efforts from the committee.
  11. The club has been successful with a $2,000 grant to improve the experience of kayakers in Maroochydore.