CLUB UPDATE 28 January 2020

Hi Members

Christmas is done and dusted along with New Year and Australia Day. It’s not a time of year when much is achieved but your committee thought it worthwhile bringing all up to date on things that did happen!

  • On theme of Australia Day, we’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate Matt Ramke-Meyer for his taking Australian citizenship in Melbourne on the weekend.  Matt there are some special, albeit corny, items for you in your boat but this is not a reflection on the seriousness of your commitment. 
  • The water leak repair is finally underway. The club has applied for two grants to pay for the $4,000 installation of a new meter close to the club house.  Delia has been successful with the first and work will commence on Wednesday 29/01/2020.  There is a bit of paperwork involved but Delia has it all in hand.
  • The audit of the boats in the shed has identified the club and private boats.  John Smallwood has drawn up a very comprehensive process to dispose of the club boats that are not needed.  All club members will be able to make an offer for those being sold. 
  • The club house lease is being renewed from 31/12/2019 for a 10 year period and we have recent assurances from the Council that the legal document is now being drafted.
  • A calendar of some 2020 races is attached to this email and a copy on the club house white board.  This has been gathered from Paddle Queensland and any other source we could find.  Please note that there is no state marathon titles event announced yet.  Entry to the National Marathon Titles in Geelong is open and entry can be done directly on line.
  • The club sprint results were posted on Facebook and our webpage.  Current Olympic members Alyce Wood and Ally Bull will be competing in the Australian Sprint Championships in Sydney in March.  John Lakeland won the 200m open sprint and then backed-up again last weekend to compete in the Murphy Homes Maroochy classic surf carnival.  Queensland sprint team selection included Alyce, Ally, John as well as Josie Pike and Xavien MacLean.
  • Club coach Jason has announced more “Come and Try” and “Learn to Paddle” days for 2020.  Come and try started 26/01/2020 and will continue each Sunday for four weeks.  Learn to paddle will run for eight weeks starting late February 2020.
  • As a new initiative to remain in touch with membership, the committee has decided to trial general meetings at the clubhouse after training on Saturday mornings.  The first will be on 15 February 2020 and it is envisaged these will be held bi-monthly.
  • Just a reminder that training is held: 5:30 am or 4pm on Tuesday and Thursday; and Saturday from 6:30am.  Sunday is a more relaxed paddle towards the river mouth with a refreshment stop at Goat Island.  Our time trial is held on the first Sunday of each month starting from the club house, up Petrie Creek around the David Low Bridge and return, approximately 7.5km.  The idea is to beat your own time each race.  Training details are on the sign on the front of the club house.
  • If you have any suggestions or queries please email us at the address above, or talk direct to any committee member.

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