Fourteen paddlers competed in this morning’s 7.5km time trial. A wealth of talent was displayed by local and international paddlers.
Racers start with a handicapped time to ensure all paddlers finish at approximately the same time.
Visiting GBR paddler Lewis Duffield tussled with local talent James S and Jason for the lead. Youth won out this time with James recording the winning time of 33:49.
Shane Daziel and Jacki Hull from Kawana Club were also in the lead pack in their K2.
Other doubles included John Smallwood and his grand-daughter Jade; and Graeme Hudson and his grandson Xavien.
Despite saying he’d had too much Christmas cheer and a long holiday, Lachy Kent put in a great effort to record a time of 42.52.
Everyone enjoyed some refreshments and a chat after at the club house.

All welcome at next month time trail for more exciting racing!